absence makes the heart grow fonder

by - February 23, 2018

they say you only know what you have when it’s gone. 
mine isn’t gone, it’s just currently not as accessible as i’d like it to be. what i’m talking about is home. being at university 2 and a half hours away from where i live means i miss home a lot. i’m lucky enough to live in a beautiful town full of friendly faces that i know and love. my family on my dad’s side have lived there all the way back to my great great grandparents and probably further. i’ve also lived there all my life and this means that it’s pretty hard to walk around without seeing someone i know. i adore that. when talking to other people my age that have also moved to university they say they feel the opposite way. they love not knowing anyone and being in a city full of strangers. to me that’s a scary concept.

however, i know that moving away brings incredible opportunities and independence that i wouldn’t have back home (the shopping and food options are insane also). so, although
i miss regular bubble baths, cuddles with my mum and my comfy bed i know that it makes me appreciate home even more when i’m finally back there. i’ve always got something to look forward to.

'how lucky i am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard' - winnie the pooh

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